The salary increase for civil servants and retirees has been announced


The salary increase for civil servants and retirees has been announced

With the announcement of the December inflation data by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the raise rate that civil servants, civil servant retirees, SSK and Bağkur retirees will receive has also been determined. The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) announced the December inflation data. According to the December data, retirees will receive a 15.4 percent raise, while civil servants will receive a 16.4 percent raise. The raise rates for civil servant salaries and the salaries of SSK, Bağkur and Retirement Fund retirees have also become clear with the announcement of the inflation data. Normally, SSK and Bağkur pensions will increase at the inflation rate of the July-December period of 2022. According to the 7 percent collective agreement raise made in July 2022, the salaries of civil servants and those retiring from the Retirement Fund will be increased at the rate of the inflation difference in the second half of the year + the 8 percent collective agreement raise for the first half of 2023. Civil servants had received a 7 percent raise and inflation difference arising from the collective agreement for the second half of the year. Now, they will receive a total of 16.4 raises, including an 8.4 inflation difference in December and an 8 percent raise for 2023. Retirees will also receive a 15.4 percent raise. However, it is a matter of curiosity how much these increases will cover the cost of living. Welfare share expectation President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated in his statement following the last cabinet meeting that they are determined to reflect Turkey's earnings and wealth to all segments of the nation, especially to employees, and that they will handle civil servant and retiree salary increases with this approach. In this context, it is expected that additional support will be provided to civil servant and retirees' salaries as of January, in addition to the inflation difference and the raise they will receive from the collective agreement. Following the 54.6 percent increase in the minimum wage, there is also a welfare share expectation for retirees. However, whether this welfare share will be available and, if so, how much it will be, President Erdoğan is expected to announce.